
Upcoming Events

  Aug 4 Special celebration after service to Honor Jan C.
  Aug ?? Bowling
  Aug 11 Adams Animals Sunday; Ice Cream Social & Pizza after worship service
  Sep 3 Worship Meeting at 10AM
  Oct 10 Chili Cookoff



tomthumb_dallasFor those who shop at Tom Thumb grocery stores, did you know that you can request that your Tom Thumb Reward card be linked to DCC in order for the church to receive a quarterly "reward" check based on the amount of money spent? CLICK HERE or click on the image to the right to view and print the special form needed to set this up.

All you need to do is add your information to the form and turn the form in at the Customer Service counter in Tom Thumb. This is an easy way for DCC to make some extra money that is free and easy. If you don't have a reward card, be sure to sign up for one. Thanks.