If you are not able to join us in person for our weekly worship service, you can view the livestream video at 10:30AM each Sunday. Videos from prior worship services are also placed on the VIDEOS page of this website.

September 15, 2024 Livestream and
In-Person Service (10:30 a.m.)

Senior Pastor: Rev. DeAnna Golsan
Pianist/Soloist: Lynice Prescott
Elder: Mark Mueller

Last Week's Video
(September 8, 2024)

Senior Pastor: Rev. DeAnna Golsan
Pianist/Soloist: Lynice Prescott
Elder: Sandy Snyder

Adam's Animals is a nonprofit organization dedicated to giving a moment of comfort to children with cancer and a moment of rest to their parents. NEW stuffed animals are collected and delivered to children in hospitals around Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex.

CLICK HERE to view a short video about Adam's Animals and to get more information on this very worthwhile program.

Online Giving (Simple and Secure)

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Our Flyer

Disciples Christian Church was founded with the idea that all Christians are simply "Disciples of Christ," regardless of denominational labels; and that the Church should be "one."

Disciples Christian Church is located at 2001 Independence Pkwy, which is on the NW corner of Park and Independence Pkwy (across from the High School).

Sunday worship service begins at 10:30AM.

About "Disciples Christian Church"

Disciples Christian Church is a member congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and is one of the largest churches to be founded in the United States.

In the rolling hills of nineteenth-century Kentucky, Presbyterian minister Barton W. Stone began to be disillusioned by the discord within and among the traditional Protestant churches. Because of his experience at the 1801 Cane Ridge Revival, Stone recognized that these denominational divisions detracted from the simple message of the Gospel. He and several colleagues formed an alliance whose sole purpose was to "enter into unity with the body of Christ at large." In keeping with this mission, they used the simple name "Christians" to describe their movement.

Meanwhile, another Presbyterian minister, Thomas Campbell was coming to the same conclusion in Washington, Pennsylvania. Looking toward the simplicity of the New Testament church, Thomas and his son Alexander aimed to recreate the early church by casting off denominational creeds and restrictions. They believed that all Christians, regardless of denominational labels, are simply "Disciples of Christ," and that the Church should be one. They called themselves "Disciples."

In 1832, the "Christians" and the "Disciples" joined together into one fellowship of believers, hence our name, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

For more information about the history of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), please visit the Disciples of Christ Historical Society at www.discipleshistory.org.

Meet Our Pastor

DeAnna Golsan became the Sr. Pastor of Disciples Christian Church in Plano in 2012 while studying at Brite Divinity School for her Masters of Divinity degree. She was ordained into ministry through the Southwest Region, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in February of 2014.

She grew up in the Methodist church, serving in her adult life as usher, Stephen Minister and Stephen Ministry Leader.  After leaving that church for personal reasons, DeAnna remained in church limbo for several years. In 2008, she was invited by a friend to visit Midway Hills Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and her life changed. She joined the church two Sundays later and within 6 months, she received her call to Ministry and began Brite Divinity School in August of 2009.  Her time at Brite Divinity School opened her mind and heart to the beauty of the Gospels, the importance of Ecumenical partnership and instilled in her a desire to preach, offer meaningful pastoral care and to be of service to God and my church family.